Create your own business.

Convert your skills into scalable digital business ideas with
smart platform powered by AI

Our mission

Our mission is to give users a space where they can explore their skills, collaborate with like minded people and establish start-ups without worrying about the hustle to setup an online platform.

Setup your dream business in 5 quick steps

Create a profile

Signup and complete your profile by adding basic details about yourself.
Choose your skills and interests to customize your feed according to your needs.

Grow your network

Add people in the prototypeAI community from a list of suggested members by us who can be a good fit for your business.

Showcase your skills

Showcase and sell your products on the go.
Select a photo, add a description, select tags, choose a price and hit upload. Voila! Your product is up for sale.

Create your SASS platform

Request your personalized SASS platform.
Enter a brief one time description for your business and hit enter.
Now witness the power of AI which will predict you a suitable website for your platform.